Friday, May 16, 2008

A nature´s tour in Costa Rica

After Hurricane Gamma whipped past Honduras leaving a trail of destruction, I decided to stop by Costa Rica for a week´s break before heading on to Honduras. Being such a last minute decision, I had absolutely no idea what I want to do in Costa Rica at all…the reception guy at my hostel couldn´t figure out how people would want to visit a country without knowing what they want to see or do. I was really clueless at that point. My answer came in the form of a very good travel companion, Ti. He saved me from being a “dumb traveler blonde” as I literally gate-crashed into his travel plans and joined him for an enriching journey into Costa Rica´s famous cloud forest reserves in Monteverde and lava-watching in La Fortuna.

More ....

Travel Belize Central America:Travel Video PostCard

Travel Belize Central America:Travel Video PostCard

Friday, May 9, 2008

Rain Forest in Costa Rica

Rain Forest in Costa Rica

Goodbye Costa Rica

Well, am now in Panama but I'll update with news on my new country soon. For now stories of my last week ....

On Thursday it was my last day at the Guarderia so I said goodbye to my little angels and I have to admit I shed a slight tear when I said goodbye to the women there. They were so sweet, they gave me goodbye cards and a couple of little presents, one of which being a Costa Rica mug (because I like my coffee), lovely thought but a tad impractical as I'm now having to lug a mug around with me in my backpack !

I just spent Friday and Saturday chilling out and being domestic, getting all my clothes washed as I'm on the road again for 2 more weeks.

So goodbye Costa Rica, goodbye San Jose, I won't miss all of the "people from the US" but I have some great memories namely ....

- Nearly dropping the motorbike in La Fortuna with Dermot still sitting on the back while the little engine struggled admirably to get us both up a steep incline.

- Playa Samara (apart from the vomiting), great beach.

- Graffiti everywhere in San Jose - No TLC, I thought they were protesting about too much tender loving care but it's something to do with a free trade agreement with USA.

- Volcan Poas, my first successful volcano trip !

- The knee high gutters in San Jose !

- Arguing with Melanie about whether or not England is a country.

- Apparently Panama and Belize aren't actually in Central America according to Betty but could she find out why on google ? I'm still confused !

Anyway, I'm going to start another story now as I want to show seperate map points for my trip to the Caribbean coast !

Source :

Flora de Costa Rica

Flora de Costa Rica

Flying through the canopy

Costa Rica : Today was the first of the adventure activities for this leg of the journey. Firstly I'd like to say I'm not very good with heights... in fact I'm scared of them. Which makes my choice of activity today rather perplexing. Zip lining is basicly being harnessed to a metal cable, then jumping off a platform and flying through the jungle canopy to another platform. Some of the lines were over 700m long and crossed between mountains (BIG gullies underneath). Once I realised that I wasn't going to die, I was able to appreciate the spectacular view from the mountains of Monteverde all the was to the Pacific Ocean. It was a truely awesome view!!!

Now if that wasn't enough the company my group went with also has a rapelling line and a tarzan swing. If I though being rapelling off the platform, straight down to the jungle floor was scary. I had experienced nothing yet.... the tarzan swing was terrifying!!!!!! Stand on the edge of a platform and jump with no tension in the line while to plummet 10m into a gully. The the rope takes up the slack and you are swung into the tree tops. I didn't scream but that was because I was too scaried to breathe. It was an amazing adrenalin rush that I'm not in a hurry to repeat!!!


Costa Rica - Tourism

Costa Rica - Tourism

Costa Rica Eco-Tourism

Costa Rica Video : Costa Rica Eco-Tourism